Canvas – LIGHT and COLOR (unavailable)

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Due to technical malfunction this episode is unavailable–we apologize for the inconvenience.
This week we looked at two emotional lives: King Saul and Jesus.  Emotions are a part of every life…
The Emotions of life are like the many Hues of color we see and they add can create a life-giving or life-taking dynamic depending on what defines them.  They have the opportunity to add a fullness to life.  
Every Hue of color we can see  has light present in it. The more light, the brighter the hue–this scale of brightness is known as the color’s Value.  Every emotion/color has a value to it.  Depending on the presence of light (Jesus: Light of the World John 8:12), each emotion carries value.  
What makes you Mad, Sad, or Glad?  Present in these driving emotions is the potential to become the Masterpiece of God.  Sadness can bring us closer to God just as easily as Joy, and we can drift further from the plan of God in the midst of Joy just as easily as through Anger.  
It depends…  are you moving toward the light, or the shadow?  Invite Him into every emotion and walk in the confidence of His love–nothing can separate us from it (Rom. 8:28, 38-39)!!!